Looking for a good job? Sign up for CareerHub now to stand out to employers! Create a talent profile, add your experience, and search for good jobs in North Philadelphia.

Job seekers can get started by Signing Up to our new CareerHub in 3 easy steps:

#1 Visit the CareerHub & Sign Up: careers.north10phl.org

Create a password with your email or just use LinkedIn, Google, or Facebook.

Candidate talent profile

#2 Select “Edit Profile” and add your latest experience & information

Filling out a complete profile only benefits you. It helps you to standout, especially when done before applying.

Edit profile on the CareerHub

CareerHub Talent Profile example

#3 Congrats on completing your full profile!

You can now search for jobs, bookmark them, and sign up for automatic weekly updates under any job search. This is done directly on CareerHub.

Bonus #4 — To see your public Profile, click “View Profile”

To download a PDF resume, just click Generate PDF button from the CareerHub in the bottom of the View Profile screen. See an example profile here.

Ready to get a job?

Great! Now that you have created a standout profile, showcased your experience, and are on the hunt for job opportunities in Philly, let’s get started.

Use the online CareerHub to find a job in your neighborhood. Apply directly for positions with your new profile.

Our 1st job fair of the year is coming up!

CareerHub Job fair promotion graphic

Don’t wait for our job fair on Wednesday, Jan 25th to sign up now and take your job search to another level!

Get started now! Sign up for a free CareerHub profile.