Creating the Conditions that Improve Life Outcomes for Our Community Members

Our Mission

Through strong partnerships with a shared vision, and mutual accountability, North10, Philadelphia works to improve the life outcomes for community members in Hunting Park – East Tioga by facilitating economic growth, increasing housing options, enhancing learning opportunities, and promoting wellness so that current residents and future generations can live happy, healthy, and civically engaged live.

Our Vision

Building upon the achievements, commitment, and ingenuity of neighborhood and local leadership, North10 will support community revitalization efforts so that by 2028, Hunting Park and East Tioga will be home to:

1. A diverse cohort of local businesses, job opportunities, and adult learning options;

2. Dignified, high-quality housing; readily available resources for current homeowners and homebuyers; and both rental and ownership opportunities that prioritizes the needs of the current residents;

3. A high-quality cradle-to-career educational pipeline so that every neighborhood child has access to learning opportunities worthy of their promise;

4. A safer, cleaner, and greener environment, where all residents have access to affordable healthy food, an array of physical, mental, and behavioral health services.

Core Values






Our History

North10, Philadelphia, was conceived and has flourished due to the dedication and foresight of philanthropist Chase Lenfest, with the backing of the H. Chase Lenfest Foundation.

In 2007, the foundation transformed vacant land from a neglected former SEPTA repair station into the Lenfest Center, a 52,000 square-foot facility that continues to serve as a central hub for the community. This initiative was the result of Mr. Lenfest’s commitment to the community and his vision for creating a safe haven for local youth. The foundation continues to prioritize community involvement and support, aiming to make a positive impact in Hunting Park and East Tioga.

The Lenfest Center, located at 3890 North 10th Street in Philadelphia, is now a full-service community center known for its range of multi-generation programs and community services. For almost two decades, “the Lenfest” has proven to be a welcoming gathering place for residents, facilitating neighborhood engagement, advocacy, education, and improved community health outcomes. It continues to be a vibrant hub for the community.

In 2017, inspired by a national movement to think holistically about the impact of neighborhood and place on the life outcomes of youth, Mr. Lenfest partnered with Bloom Planning to write the blueprint of what is now North10, Philadelphia. A renewed commitment to innovative leadership, collaboration, and community engagement spurred the organization to reach out beyond the doors of “the Lenfest” and to join with its neighbors in a collective effort of neighborhood revitalization. In 2018, this outreach provided the opportunity for North10 to purchase a local cultural landmark, Carman Gardens Skating Rink, and a neighborhood nuisance, the Liberty Motel. At the same time, North10, along with five other place-based organizations, formed the Broad, Germantown, Erie Collaborative (BGEC). We’ve partnered to build affordable housing and new playgrounds, engaged elected officials, private industry, and government agencies, and created new programs to bring much needed attention and resources into the community.

Together, North10, Bloom Planning, BGEC, the H. Chase Lenfest Foundation, and now many more, continue to prove that the power of collective action can overcome systemic barriers that have denied generations of Hunting Park and East Tioga residents access to affordable, quality services and the capital necessary for a community to thrive. We seek to be a model from which others can turn to and learn. Formed from a single vision and now transformed by the strength and promise of our community, North10 is proud of how far we’ve come, humbled by the much longer journey ahead, and bolstered by the knowledge that together we will reach our destination.

Our Leadership


Executive Director

Josh Klaris has more than 25 years professional experience, with a significant expertise in school and non-profit improvement and innovation at the local and system-level.


Chief External Affairs Officer

Nikki J. Bagby is a public service professional with varied experience in both the nonprofit and government sectors.

Avarisse Crawford

Chief of Staff

Avarisse Crawford is dedicated to supporting the creation of a society where economic inequality is not a source of social division or a barrier to opportunity.

Board of Directors


Founder &
Chairman of the Board


Vice Chair &




Board Member


Board Member

Rob Vieira

Board Member

Larry R. Wiltshire

Board Member

Our Team

Marcus Bonaparte

Neighborhood Promise Program Crew Member

Keisha Brown

Executive Assistant

Dominick Cooley

Program Coordinator

Rosemary Duarte

Manager of Supportive Services

Tiffany Ford

Athletic Manager

Walter (Al) Gilyard

Neighbor Promise Program Crew Manager

Shane Glover

Program Coordinator

Brianna Hampton

Program Coordinator

Robert Jackson

Facilities Manager

Denise Matza

Director, Youth Programs

Richard Myers

Neighborhood Promise Program Crew Member

Maria Padilla

Receptionist/ AP Coordinator

Tamara Seay-Glover

Director, People and Culture

Donte Taylor

Neighborhood Promise Program Crew Member

Joel Torres

Manager of Community Services

Fatima Trottie

Director, Business Administration

Farreed Watson

Neighborhood Promise Program Crew Member

Lee White, II

Director, Facilities and Safety

Jason Williams


Join us in our mission. Click the link below to make a donation and be a part of the positive change we are creating together.